Multi-cultural Baby Luau | Tacoma-area family photographer

My cousin Rich and his wife Alice asked me to photograph their daughter’s 1st birthday celebration in September. A baby’s first birthday luau is a big deal in Hawaiian culture. It goes back to the day when many babies didn’t live to see their first birthday, so the ones that did had very large celebrations. In Hawaii, it’s not unusual for a baby luau to rival a wedding in terms of scale and decorations.

While N’s luau was not in Hawaii and not as large as a wedding, it certainly had all the elements of a luau with some extra culture added in. N’s luau had an imu (in-ground oven) to roast a pig, a bouncy house, a balloon man, and also a Korean 1st birthday ceremony. The weather could not have been more perfect for an outdoor celebration, and the festivities were at my other cousin’s house in Orting. Rainier in the background made for a gorgeous backdrop for N’s ceremony where she chose from a number of items that were set in front of her. They were supposed to symbolize what field she will be in when she grows up. N chose a rattle, which represented music.

The day was full of food, family, friends and love. It could not have been a more perfect 1st birthday luau.

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    A House in the Country ~ North Bend Engagement Photographer

    Kelly and Duane asked me to help them document their engagement and their new home.  These two have been doing the long-distance relationship thing for about a year, so it’s a big deal that they are finally living in their house TOGETHER!

    They live just outside of a little town in North Bend, WA.  When I drove up to their house, it was hard to believe that I was only about an hour away from where I live.  Their house is nestled right at the base of a well-known mountain Mount Si, so the views were GORGEOUS!  I had so much fun walking around their property with them and there were so many cool things there I wanted to keep shooting. A pasture, cool fence, barn, old Chevy truck AND an antique car? I could have stayed all day!

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      Littlest Husky Fan ~ Seattle Newborn Photographer

      When I took pictures of her and her mom’s belly, I had no doubt that Miss K was going to be a great big sister.  Sure enough, when I arrived to take photos of Miss M who had recently joined the family, K was happy to be her mom’s helper.  The other thing that I loved observing was seeing the softer side of Mike.  He is usually pretty reserved with showing emotion, so I loved seeing this big, strong daddy melt while he was holding M or lose his inhibition while playing with K.

      The K family are big football fans and though they’re originally from Montana, they have adopted the Huskies as their team.  Both girls have been to more UW tailgates than I’ve been to (which is none), and Miss M’s Husky fan wardrobe makes its first appearance here!

      baby on footballmom holding newborn's footfamily of hands

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        A Special Park ~ Bothell Landing Park Family Photography

        Bothell Landing Park has significant meaning to this cute little family. Mama & Daddy spent lots of time walking and talking here before Miss K joined the family. When she joined the family, this is the park they went to for a first walk, a first swing ride, and where Mama worked out to get her hot body back!

        I felt so privileged to be invited to this special park to commemorate Miss K turning 1. We lucked out and had a gorgeous Spring day in early May. It was perfect weather for a session, and we really couldn’t have planned it better. Dresses in the Pacific Northwest in May? I had so much fun watching Miss K practice walking sans shoes, they were just too cumbersome for this active little lady. She had JUST started walking and didn’t want to do anything but be on the go!

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          “Glowy” mama ~ Seattle Maternity & Family Photographer

          I met this family through my daughter’s pre-school co-op last year.  Ali and I share a birthday and we are both Scorpios, so naturally we hit it off.  We were on the co-op board together, and I was always impressed how “on-top-of-it” that Ali was.  Her daughter L is the sweetest thing and she always has a big smile for me every time I see her.  She is usually always looking for a hand to hold or arms to be picked up in, so you can’t help but love her too.

          I just knew that the maternity photos for Ali would be incredible.  She is a natural beauty and definitely had “the glow”.  Brett was an amazing toddler wrangler when Ali and I were playing in their backyard, which by the way, is a fabulous location for a photo shoot!

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            I'm Kellie! I'm so glad you're here.

            I have been toting my camera almost everywhere since I was a little girl… and my family and friends have learned to ignore it. But usually I don’t mind them ignoring me. Why? Because I try to capture life as it happens. I see “moments”, and I want to help you have those treasured memories to look back on.

            (206) 954-7450
            Seattle, Washington